Nom du lieu | At-So |
Code/Mnémo | 006-P-001 |
Département | 80-Somme |
Laboratoire responsable | IFREMER LERBL Boulogne |
Contact | Alain Lefebvre ( |
Masse d’eau DCE |
Latitude Longitude | 50.2312831163 1.4745046439 |
Début de la série | 1987 |
Fréquence de suivi | 26/an |
Paramètres suivis | Température Salinité Oxygène Chlorophylle a Turbidité Nutriments : NH4+ ; NO3 + NO2 ; PO4- ; SiOH4 MES minérale MES organique Flore phytoplanctonique totale |
Proximité d'autres SNO | DYNALIT |
Accès direct aux données | |
Commentaires |
Bibliographie associée au lieu | |
REPHYTOX - French Monitoring program for Phycotoxins in marine organisms (2017). REPHYTOX dataset. French Monitoring program for Phycotoxins in marine organisms. Data since 1987 . SEANOE . REPHY – French Observation and Monitoring program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in coastal waters (2017). REPHY dataset - French Observation and Monitoring program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in coastal waters. 1987-2016 Metropolitan data . SEANOE . SRN - Regional Observation and Monitoring program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in the eastern English Channel (2017). SRN dataset - Regional Observation and Monitoring Program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in the eastern English Channel. 1992-2016. SEANOE. Lefebvre A., Guiselin N., Barbet F., Artigas L. F., 2011. Long-term hydrological and phytoplankton monitoring (1992-2007) of three potentially eutrophicated systems in the eastern English Channel and the southern bight of the North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(10): 2029-2043 Hernández Fariñas T., Soudant D., Barillé L., Belin C., Lefebvre A., Bacher C., 2013. Temporal changes in the phytoplankton community along the French coast of the eastern English Channel and the southern Bight of the North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71(4), 821-833 Karasiewicz S., Breton E., Lefebvre A., Hernández Fariñas T., Lefebvre S., 2018. Realized niche analysis of phytoplankton communities involving HAB: Phaeocystis spp. as a case study. Harmful Algae, 72: 1-13. |